Wide Game: Search and Rescue
I prepared a dramatic wide game for the Explorers with a military-style briefing. The scenario was to locate a downed pilot using some clues.
Read moreI prepared a dramatic wide game for the Explorers with a military-style briefing. The scenario was to locate a downed pilot using some clues.
Read moreThis was a supplement I prepared on the first introductory sessions to using a knife for the Explorers.
Read moreBrief guide written for Explorer Scouts and parents on buying outdoors equipment.
Read moreI wrote a kit list for Explorer Scouts going on expeditions or camping. The ides is to use this as basis for developing your own.
Read moreWalking in the dark, outdoors, can be difficult because paths and tracks can be hard to distinguish. You can picture the scenario of defaulting down the left path, you lose your bearings, you convince yourself you’ll get back on track eventually, you get cold, tired, panic and then, yep, acceptance – “we’re lost”. Forests in the dark are especially difficult places to get back on track because, although you won’t particularly notice it, our eyes are not great at discerning colour in low light and the environment looks all so similar. Thankfully, there are a few tricks.
Read moreWe had an exercise to co-create a member agreement for the Explorer section – a set of rules.
Read moreThis is a resource I prepared for an evening to have a debate and then engage in a role-play. These activities really help young people consider other people’s different perspectives and interests in matters – especially where compromises may have to be sought.
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