Here is some art that others have made for me over the years. If I had to break attachments with the material world (as is inevitable by choice or by death), these treasures are some of the last that I could ever relinquish. I place value on, above all else, those gifts crafted by people’s own hands.

Take it or Leave It
It started when young, not even reached teens,
Suppressed all my fears, imprisoned my tears,
With alcohol inside me I could be heard,
Felt very brave, felt top of the world,
But as I got older it carried on,
With alcohol inside me, I felt very strong,
My thoughts were NO FEAR, I cared for no one,
But as I grew wiser and opened my mind,
My beliefs in the alcohol were very wrong,
It stripped me of everything,
My mind my heat had no care,
I looked deep inside but there was nothing there.
As I grew older, I began to think,
I must do something to get off the drink,
I went into counselling to make a fresh start,
Learnt to feel real love, to open my heart,
But I had to let go, and it ripped me apart,
So back to the alcohol off I did go,
To the oblivion liqueur, I couldn’t say no,
Many years passed, I’m back on the booze,
I must start again, I’ve got too much to lose.
So off into detox, I positively went,
A cure for this illness would be heaven sent,
So with the sweats and the shakes and a head full of shit,
Forward I went not to try but to do it.
The second in the detox, and not so alone,
Back into society into my new home,
Eaton House, is a place where I feel safe,
Back to the real world for this wayward straif.
So one day at a time, I’m feeling strong,
Stay off the booze, and I can’t go wrong,
My confidence, respect and esteems are rebuilt,
Today, I’m content, not full of guilt,
So now I live life one day at a time,
I will say to you in this experienced rhyme,
If, you think and feel that drinks really smart,
Forget it my friend, it will tear you apart,
Don’t take a drink and you’ll longer live,
Open the bottle, the sooner you’ll die,
On those words you can rely.
So as I come to the end of my rhyme,
Today I live my life, one day at a time.
– Kevin