
Separating A Music File into Multiple Tracks

This is a quick guide on how to get a long mp3 audio file and break it down into individual tracks. You may need to do this when an album has been saved as a single mp3 (can happen when downloading from youtube via a “youtube to mp3” sites). I’m going to use a video of Meiko Kaji’s discography (or partial) to illustrate this.

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Migrating Windows 10 To A New Hardrive

I am writing this mini-guide for my future reference and, as is so often the case, I’ve publicised in case somebody else may benefit. Over the years I’ve changed which hard drive my operating system (OS) resides on because I’ve typically upgraded the hard drive. Sometimes it’s been painful (and long-winded) but this recent occassion was smooth.

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Deleting the Windows 10 Pagefile

I’ve been running out of space on my boot drive, a 250 GB SSD, but I’m reluctant to upgrade it with another SSD because I am overhauling my system shortly and will go NVMe rather than SATA. However, it does mean I have to keep on top of things so I don’t get the dreaded error about scratch disks being full in Photoshop. One of those things is the enormous pagefile.sys that Windows keeps generating.

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