
Winter Wreath Part 1

I saw a few attractive Waitrose winter wreaths a couple of weeks back and decided to make one using, where possible, naturally scavanged materials. I’d wandered around a few places over the last forthnight but had not felt motivated to walk around with a shopping bag full of twigs. With a weekend staying in Godalming, I decided to go equipped on an afternoon walk with a friend, Jen, in search of the fundametal ingredient, willow.

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Puttenham Walk

The last couple of nights I’ve seen a gorgeous moon and overheard that there is a ‘SuperMoon’ at the moment. This is where the moon is closer to the Earth and the net effect is that it appears 14% larger.  I love the moonlight (which is just ~sunlight) when it breaks through the clouds so I decided on some moon photography. We headed up to Puttenham Common to get away from the noise of the urban lighting

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