
Chesterfield Round Walk Planned Sep ’23

Since managing a lengthy walk in one session, 40 miles around Cannock Chase, I have always wanted to do a large circular again. I attempted the Surrey Greensand Monster (18 miles) but failed three times – I was overweight and out of practice. Although my weight is reasonable, I have aged a decade since the Cannock Chase and I have another challenge to overcome.

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Hardwick Hall (NT)

I grew up in Derbyshire before I left for University but it was only around my mid-twenties that I started to appreciate just how incredibly picturesque my home is. I must have driven past the brown signs directing visitors to Hardwick Hall thousands of times without thought of visiting. (Although my parents are convinced I had been before.) The recent gift of a National Trust membership, and having explored Surrey’s sites, motivated me to take a peek.

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