
Puttenham Walk

The last couple of nights I’ve seen a gorgeous moon and overheard that there is a ‘SuperMoon’ at the moment. This is where the moon is closer to the Earth and the net effect is that it appears 14% larger.  I love the moonlight (which is just ~sunlight) when it breaks through the clouds so I decided on some moon photography. We headed up to Puttenham Common to get away from the noise of the urban lighting

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Hardwick Hall (NT)

I grew up in Derbyshire before I left for University but it was only around my mid-twenties that I started to appreciate just how incredibly picturesque my home is. I must have driven past the brown signs directing visitors to Hardwick Hall thousands of times without thought of visiting. (Although my parents are convinced I had been before.) The recent gift of a National Trust membership, and having explored Surrey’s sites, motivated me to take a peek.

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Appreciating cordage is important for outdoors activities – with lots of different types for different uses. I wrote this supplement for a session on paracord, which is my favourite. I always carry it on me. I’ve even upgraded shoe laces with it – just in case.

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Night Navigation Poster

Night Navigation

Walking in the dark, outdoors, can be difficult because paths and tracks can be hard to distinguish. You can picture the scenario of defaulting down the left path, you lose your bearings, you convince yourself you’ll get back on track eventually, you get cold, tired, panic and then, yep, acceptance – “we’re lost”. Forests in the dark are especially difficult places to get back on track because, although you won’t particularly notice it, our eyes are not great at discerning colour in low light and the environment looks all so similar. Thankfully, there are a few tricks.

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